גרהרד שוברט מצטרף ל-Physical Gold Fund

גרהרד שוברט מצטרף ל-Physical Gold Fund


Physical Gold Fund (PGF), מובילה עולמית בזהב שמוקצה פיזית, שמחה להודיע על המינוי של מר גרהרד שוברט לוועדה המייעצת שלה.


הקריירה של מר גרהרד שוברט בשוק המתכות היקרות נמשכת ארבעים שנה וכוללת ניסיון בענף בכל העולם. הוא מכהן כחבר בוועד המנהל של איגוד שוק המטילים של לונדון ושוק הפלטינה והפלדיום של לונדון. מר שוברט הוא נואם קבוע על מתכות יקרות בכנסים של הענף באיחוד האמירויות, הודו ובטלוויזיה של בלומברג. הוא היה חבר בוועדות רבות של ה-DMCC (המרכז הרב סחורתי של דובאי) וה-DGAG (הקבוצה המייעצת על זהב של דובאי) וגם בוועדת המימשל הבלתי תלויה של ה-DMCC.


Gerhard Schubert Joins Physical Gold Fund

GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands, Aug. 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –

Physical Gold Fund (PGF), a world leader in physical allocated gold is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Gerhard Schubert to its Advisory Board.

Mr. Gerhard Schubert’s career in the precious metals market spans forty years and includes worldwide industry experience. He served as a member of the Management Committee of the London Bullion Market Association and the London Platinum and Palladium Market. Mr. Schubert is a regular speaker on precious metals at industry conferences in the UAE, India and on Bloomberg Television. He has served on various committees of the DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre) in the DGAG (Dubai Gold Advisory Group) as well as in the Independent Governance Committee of the DMCC.

Mr. Schubert has worked in precious metals with Bremer Landesbank, DG-Bank, Shearson Lehman Brothers, DFS-Bullion, Bayerische Vereinsbank and Credit Lyonnais Rouse. He served as Head of Precious Metals London & New York for INTL Commodities and as Deputy Head of Base and Precious Metals with Fortis Bank Belgium. Mr. Schubert was the head of Gold and Commodities at Arab Banking Corporation (ABC Bank) in Bahrain where he led the bank’s global mandate for Emirates NBD in Dubai and served as Global Head of Precious Metals for Fortis Nederland, now ABN AMRO Nederland.

“Physical Gold Fund ticks all the right boxes for a hassle-free, Shariah compliant and competitive investment opportunity into gold as an asset class. Gold should be a part of any portfolio as it is negative correlated to nearly all other asset classes. This makes it a perfect diversification tool for any portfolio,” said Gerhard Schubert. “I am delighted to work with PGF as the structure of the Fund and the specific investment details are speaking for themselves.”

Philip Judge, Chief Executive Officer of Physical Gold Fund stated, “Physical Gold Fund offers an exceptional solution to investors seeking a regulated product that employs the best practices of private allocated custody in gold ownership developed over decades of operational experience. PGF makes investing in physical allocated gold simple by providing a one-stop solution for acquisition, governance, custody, security, insurance, and liquidation of physical gold in an approved regulated structure.” He adds, “We are thrilled to have Gerry join our Advisory Board because he brings to the team decades of gold industry and bullion banking experience along with a vast network of strategic relationships and contacts, particularly from Europe and the Middle East.”


Physical Gold Fund SP is a global leader in physical allocated gold. It is a Segregated Portfolio Fund of the Physical Hard Assets Fund SPC. The Fund is regulated by CIMA, is registered with the FCA and is Shariah compliant certified by Amanie Advisors LLC. PGF is a transparent, open-ended, segregated portfolio fund that invests in unencumbered, fully-allocated physical gold in the form of “Good Delivery” gold bars meeting accepted global standards. Liquidity protocols unique to the industry have been put in place providing greater liquidity options compared to other funds in the market. Shares of the Fund are redeemable for gold and all physical gold is insured to its full market value.

For additional information:  http://physicalgoldfund.com 

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Alex Stanczyk



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